GerritHub user-controlled GitHub Scopes

Nowadays people are very careful about privacy and user data: nobody grants access to their profile without checking first the possible consequences.
We want to give the user the ability always to know and control what level of access is given to their data: that’s why we improved the way you login in

GitHub scopes: what is it?

GitHub provides the authentication and access to user’s profile using a protocol called OAuth 2.0. When GerritHub is requesting a user to authenticate is then granted a set of permissions to operate on behalf of the user on their GitHub resources, which include:

  • User’s personal data (name, e-mails)
  • User’s membership to organisations and teams
  • User’s repositories

The set of permissions to access and operate on your data is also known as “Scope” in GitHub terms.

How is GerritHub helping me to control my access?

GerritHub has from today a new “Scope Selection” screen with two main objectives:

  1. Displaying your current scope and associated rights GerritHub has on your GitHub profile
  2. Giving you the ability to switch to a different “Scope” and consequently the rights that GerritHub has on your profile data

Screen Shot 2015-10-08 at 10.16.53

Transparency is good, but what is the practical added value?

There has been in the past a common complaint about GerritHub having too much or too little access to your GitHub profile:

  • Too much? Why needs access to my e-mail address? Why does GerritHub need to see my public keys?
  • Too little? Why does GerritHub not show my private repositories in the import screen? How can I see my organisation membership in GerritHub project security screen?

With the ability now to visualise and change the current “Scope”, people can be more aware of why things are not showing up. They can make conscious decisions about how to change them with full transparency on the associated implications.

A common scenario: importing and accessing private GitHub Organisations, Teams and Repositories.

When you need to import an existing private GitHub project, you need to access information that is not publicly available:

  • Your membership to a private organisation
  • Your ownership of a Team structure
  • Ability to clone and push your private organisations’ repositories

There is now a special information box suggesting that you have the ability to change your “Scope” if you don’t see the organisations and repositories you want to import.

Screen Shot 2015-10-08 at 10.22.12

After changing the scope, you can then log in again and you will have an improved set of options to get more data and repositories from your GitHub account.

Like it? Will you use it on a daily basis?

We are eager to get your feedback on this new feature: Tell us what you think and let us know what you would change or add to the set of “Scope” permissions.

GitHub API change causes problems to Jenkins and Gerrit

GitHub has recently changed his API default permissions and has caused big problems and outages to Jenkins or Gerrit instance configured for with OAuth 2.0 authentication. unfortunately has been impacted and this has caused two outages today:

  1. 0:40 – 1:10 CEST (GitHub API error temporary overload – automatically resolved)
  2. 10:50 – 11:25 CEST (GitHub API error overload causing the slowdown of HTTP calls and subsequent exhaust of our DBMS connection pooling)

The second outage was more serious as the GitHub API problems happened exactly at peak hours for European customers.

What is the current situation?

We have added the extra “read:org” Scope permissions to the default public access to in order to prevent the GitHub API from failing. This change requires you to logout and login back to to approve the extra permission flag.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Previous authenticated sessions are not valid anymore (batch users for Jenkins Jobs) for reading your GitHub organisation ownership and, as a consequence, your Gerrit permissions cannot be fully evaluated. You need to login on behalf of the batch users to and accept the new GitHub permissions in order to get the new valid OAuth token.

The system is back up-and-running but is slower than usual, due to the extra throttling applied by GitHub cause by the error overload. As people will start logging in again and approving the new permissions, the error rate should drop and the situation will come back to normal.

What if I still have problems after having logged in and approved the read:org permissions?

In case of any further issues, please contact GerritForge Support:

[EDIT: 17:53 BST]

We have been monitoring the situation during the day but the performance of the system was not recovering as quickly as we wanted. The problem was related to the batch users that were still running in background using OAuth tokens not authorised anymore to perform their actions.

One user from RedHat pointed out:

“You can see it triggered job and the Build results is SUCCESS. But there is no votes or verified status.”

This was caused by the batch user (configured in this case on Jenkins) was still authenticated through its old OAuth token but not authorised anymore to provide the “Verified” status. Batch users are typically not using the GUI and so have not a lot of chances of getting a renewed OAuth token with the correct permissions.

Current situation: workaround in place.

The OAuth Scope problem was only impacting those users associated to a public GitHub plan and thus using the default scopes user:email + public:repo. All the other users associated to a private GitHub plan had already granted access to all private information, including the full list of their public and private organisations.

The workaround in place uses the weakest link of the chain applied to the GitHub’s protection of the user’s organisations memberships:

  • A logged in with scopes [user:email + public:repo] cannot access its own list of organisations (strongest link).
  • The same user can however open a web browser and navigate, even without being authenticated, the URL and extract the list of organisations on the bottom-left of the page under the H3 tag “Organizations” (weakest link)

The latest patch applied later today just apply this principle using the weakest link (page-scraping with anonymous HTTP-GET) as compensation of the failure to overcome the strongest link.

NOTE: The workaround allows to fill-up the Gerrit cache and gradually eliminates the GitHub throttling on the failed API calls. It allows the service to come back much more quickly to the expected normal response times. You are better anyway to authenticate to interactively in order to get a renewed OAuth token as hopefully the workaround won’t be necessary anymore in the next few days.