2023: New Year and opportunities for GerritForge and Gerrit Code Review

TL;DR: GerritForge has been dedicating its efforts to organising and managing the Gerrit User Summit in London back in November 2022, in conjunction with the release of Gerrit v3.7. The event has been a great success, with a significant presence on-site and record-breaking attendees on the GerritForge TV youtube channel. It has also committed to its promises to research and improve the JGit and Gerrit scalability to large mono-repos, with tens of millions of objects and refs. 2023 will see the finalisation of these efforts with an increase in development efforts and a new JGit Committer for pushing the platform to a new level of performance and scalability and a new innovating system for collecting and optimising the repository metrics automatically. Stay tuned.

Read the full story here below (9 mins read).

2022 has been a critical year for turning the Gerrit Code Review community and development back on track after the COVID-19 pandemic. At GerritForge, we’ve been working hard to make sure that the development, support, and innovation of Gerrit Code Review continue on its main objectives.

Gerrit Code Review v3.6 and v3.7

We have continued to deliver on the development and release of Gerrit Code Review and its plugins, helping the testing and releasing of versions v3.6.0 (May) and v3.7.0 (November).

Some numbers of the past 12 months’ development contributions by individual committers and companies:

  • 3,627 Changes have been merged on 76 projects related to the Gerrit Code Review platform, including JGit
  • 113 committers from 42 different organisations

A special mention to the top #10 contributors: Google (Ben Rohlfs, Edwin Kempin, Chris Pouchet, Dhruv Srivastava, Frank Borden, Milutin Kristofic), GerritForge (Luca Milanesio), Wikimedia (Paladox) and SAP (Matthias Sohn and Thomas Dräbing).

In comparison with 2021, we had 25% fewer changes merged but with more contributors coming from more companies, which is a symptom to a very healthy and thriving ecosystem of maintainers.

GerritForge has committed to resuming the face-to-face user summits, which were suspended since 2020.

The Gerrit User Summit 2022 took place in London, UK the 10-11 of November in a hybrid format, with people having the opportunity to participate either on-site or remotely on GerritForge’s YouTube TV channel.

It was a glorious success, with record-breaking attendance from all around the globe:

  • 50 people registered to attend on-site, 26 of them managed to arrive despite the London tube strike, whilst the others attended remotely
  • 235 people viewed the summit on YouTube with an average view time of 40 mins (one talk)

The summit survey had an outstanding report showing a huge acceptance and appreciation of the event:

  • 82% rated the remote video streaming as “good” or “outstanding”
  • 96% rated the quality of the summit as “good” or “outstanding.”
  • 100% would recommend the summit to a colleague, with 83% strongly recommending it

GerritHub.io SLA gets closer to five-nines.

We have been working hard to make Gerrit more stable and resilient throughout 2022, discovering and fixing many issues in the code base and on the multi-site software architecture.
In 2022, GerritHub.io had only six small hiccups for a total of 19 mins of downtime (SLA = 99.997%) over a 12-month period, a 75% reliability improvement compared to 2021.

We have run extensive RCAs on the causes of the downtime and identified two leading issues, which are explained in the details below.

The “anonymous unlimited query” hole in Gerrit
GerritHub.io has been subject to a 15 mins outage because of anonymous users being able to bring offline all the sites before the system could auto-recover.
Gerrit allows bypassing of all limits set in the ACLs for running queries by simply adding the “no-limit” parameter.
Returning an arbitrary payload without limits could allow a single user to generate a server-side workload for collecting and building a GBytes-sized JSON payload; unfortunately, that option was available to everyone, including anonymous users making any publicly faced Gerrit Code Review installation subject to deny-of-service attacks.
We have identified the issue, reported and fixed it in Gerrit with Change 333304, which has been included in Gerrit v3.3.10, v3.4.4, v3.5.1, and all v3.6.0 or later releases.

More granular monitoring and alerting
We have lowered the threshold of uptime checks on GerritHub.io to 1 minute, giving us the ability to detect and react immediately to 4 smaller hiccups. We have detected a lack of scalability for some specific higher-load projects. Those hiccups have been responsible for 2 mins of downtime over the 2nd part of 2022. Many more projects are also planning to be onboarded on GerritHub.io; hence we do need to address this project-specific capacity needs.

Scaling Gerrit Code Review and JGit beyond its limits

We have been investing a massive effort in building a test environment designed to stress Gerrit and JGit to its limits and identify all the limitations and bottlenecks that prevented us from scaling further.

Scaling the test repository
We have created over the months some test repositories that increased in every dimension:

  • Tens of millions of refs as both refs/changes and refs/heads
  • Millions of delta-chains
  • Tens of millions of Git objects
  • Packfiles of tens of Giga-bytes and packed refs of hundreds of megabytes

For generating a significant load on both client and server side, we have invested more into the aws-gerrit cloud setups and gatling-git performance loading tool.

There were some “well-known” issues and additional surprising ones.

SHA1 complexity and CPU utilization for large entities
JGit has been used SHA1 for identifying uniqueness not just for Git objects but also for other large entities. However, computing SHA1 has become increasingly CPU intensive because of the relatively recent findings about collisions on shattered.io.
We have highlighted two major potential improvements in cooperation with Matthias Sohn (SAP) on the raw SHA1 performance and its application for detecting packed-refs changes on the filesystem.

Commit priority queues
JGit has a custom implementation of priority queues which are intensively used in RevWalk, which has almost quadratic complexity. That isn’t a problem for small to medium chains of commits; however, when the number of commits reaches millions, the performance degradation becomes unbearable.
We have replaced the JGit’s custom implementation with the one provided by the Java JVM library, which has a logarithmic complexity that massively improves its performance with large commit chains.

Unwanted reachability checks
JGit needs to perform a full reachability check whenever a remote unknown client is advertising refs, which makes sense when serving a remote client. However, the cost of full reachability of millions of advertised refs can be a daunting task that may be alleviated if the remote end can be considered trusted.

Fixing JGit bitmaps
Since the introduction of Git bitmap, the whole community has learned how key they are in speeding up the counting and selection during the clone phase.
However, large and unoptimized bitmaps could be so unhelpful for Git that instead of speeding up, they could represent a massive overhead for the system, causing CPU spikes and, eventually, lowering the throughput of the server.
Git bitmaps are compressed using the JavaEWAH library, which is good for memory consumption but evil for CPU utilization: that is the reason why the smaller is best for performance.
We have discovered and fixed a critical issue with the JGit bitmap generation that was causing the inclusion of all commits and BLOBs pointed by annotated tags. Also, we have introduced the ability to inform JGit about the heads that can be excluded from the bitmap, allowing to shorten the creation tens of thousands times (5h generation time for a 2k refs to as little as 60s) and increase its effectiveness by 200%.

Millions of unneeded ref logs
When performing a clone of a repository with millions of heads, JGit created one local reflog file for every remote ref, including the ones there were not actually cloned but just fetched as remote references. This was creating a significant performance gap between JGit and Git, which would instead lazily create the reflog files once they are effectively checked out the first time. Cloning a single branch of a repository with millions of remote refs took around 1h, compared to a few minutes of Git.

All of the findings were included in multiple updates on the following components:

  • JGit changes: all fixes were also provided to stable-5.13, the last supported branch for Java 8, which allows benefiting from these improvements for older versions of Gerrit from v2.16 onwards.
  • pull-replication went through major performance improvements, achieving a 1000x times faster execution time compared to the traditional replication plugin
  • aws-gerrit is going through upgrades for making use of pull-replication plugin, including the support for the bearer token which allows to replicate virtually any repository, including All-Users.git
  • gatling-git: we have upgraded the Gatling version and JGit to the latest stable-5.13 to include the latest performance improvements.
  • git-repo-metrics: we have introduced a brand-new plugin that allows us to keep under control the major dimensions of a repository and therefore graph their increase over time.

GerritForge goals for 2023

We are definitely not done yet with the performance improvements on Gerrit and JGit: there are still significant improvements to be made, and JGit changes to get merged into the mainstream branches.
We believe we are on track to finalize the job and allow a stable and scalable platform for large Git repositories in 2023.

Finalise what we cooked in 2022 for JGit
JGit has a new maintainer, David Ostrovsky, awarded in 2022 as Git committer of the project. GerritForge’s devs are focused to get more reviews and attention to the JGit performance improvements. We are committed to finalising all the open changes related to large repositories.

JGit multi-pack indexes support
There is still a major gap between JGit and Git when dealing with very active repositories: multi-pack indexes. The proliferation of packfiles would eventually lead to a long and painful search-for-reuse phase for BLOBs which could be cut down 100s of times with a multi-pack index.

Git repository optimiser for Gerrit
We have been working on tracking the live information on the Git repository, thanks to the git-repo-metrics plugin. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a tool that can do something with it and automatically?
We would be doing R&D on how to correlate the repository metrics, the Git audit trail, and the performance data for making AI-based decisions on what needs to be improved on the repository.
This work stream is going to be useful for any Git repository, not just the ones powered by Gerrit Code Review. The ‘git-repo-metrics’ and the repository optimiser would also apply to other products, including GitHub and GitLab.

Gerrit v3.8 and projects-specific change numbers
We will finalise the design document for the transition to project-specific change numbers in Gerrit v3.8. That would allow the seamless migration of projects across Gerrit setups without having to worry about changes renumbering anymore.

Gerrit Code Review testing and GerritForge-certified binaries
GerritForge is spending a tremendous amount of time developing test environments and tools for serving the Gerrit community with more stable releases and improving the quality of its code. We want to intensify the effort and also offer our platinum support customers a unique service that includes the GerritForge digital signature and rubber stamp on the binaries of Gerrit Code Review and its plugins that have been successfully tested and validated for being production-ready.
Stay tuned; more details are coming soon …

GerritForge company forecast in 2023

GerritForge Inc. will finalise its roll-out to the USA, and all contracts and services will be run from Sunnyvale, CA and Europe. Over 2022, 60% of the customers and businesses have already been moved, and the operation will be completed over the course of 2023.

We are looking forward to doubling our revenue figures in 2023 and also our contributions to the open-source community, with a main focus on JGit as the driver of performance growth for Gerrit Code Review.

2023 is going to be an incredible year for GerritForge, Gerrit Code Review, and the JGit community altogether.

Happy New start of the Year 2023!

Luca Milanesio (GerritForge)
Gerrit Code Review Maintainer and Release Manager
Member of the Gerrit Engineering Steering Committee

GerritHub.io is moving to Gerrit v3.0

It has been a very long journey, from the initial adoption of PolyGerrit at GerritHub to the epic moment where Gerrit historic GWT was dropped with the Gerrit v3.0 last month.

GerritHub.io has always been aligned with the latest and greatest of Gerrit Code Review and thus the moment has come for us to upgrade to v3.0 and drop forever the GWT UI.

PolyGerrit vs. GWT adoption

Screenshot 2019-06-10 at 21.16.48

The PolyGerrit UX was pretty much experimental until the beginning of 2018: the features were incomplete and people needed to go back to the old GWT UI for many of the basic use-cases.

However, things started to change radically in April 2018 when GerritHub.io adopted Gerrit v2.15 which had a 100% functionally complete PolyGerrit UI. The number of users choosing PolyGerrit jumped from 10% to 35% (3.5x times) with a +70% growth in the number of accesses overall. That means that the adoption was mainly driven by users attracted by the new UI.

In the past 12 months, PolyGerrit became the default user-interface and was just renamed as Gerrit UI. Gradually more and more users abandoned the old GWT interface that now represents 30% of the overall accesses.

Timeline of the upgrade

For the 70% of people that are using already using the new Gerrit UI, the upgrade to Gerrit v3.0 would not be noticeable at all:

  • Gerrit v3.0 UI is absolutely identical to the current one in v2.16
  • All existing API and integration points (e.g. Jenkins integration) in Gerrit v3.0 are 100% compatible with v2.16

For the 30% of people that are still using the old GWT UI, things will be very different as their favorite interface will not be available anymore.

The upgrade will happen with zero-downtime across the various GerritHub.io multi-site deployments and will start around mid-June.

Can I still use GWT with GerritHub.io?

The simple answer is NO: Gerrit v3.0 does not contain any GWT code anymore and thus it is impossible for GerritHub.io to bring back the old UI.

The journey to fill the gaps and reach 100% feature and functional equivalence between the old GWT and the new Polymer-based UI took around 6 years, 18k commits and 1M lines of code written by 260+ contributors from 60+ different organizations. It has been tested by hundreds of thousands of developers across the globe and is 100% production-ready and functionally complete.

If you feel that there was “something you could do in the GWT UI and cannot do anymore with the new Polymer-based UI”, please file a bug to the Gerrit Code Review issue tracker and you will get prompt attention and replies from the community.

Can I stay with Gerrit v2.16 on GerritHub.io?

If your organization cannot migrate to Gerrit v3.0, you could still request a dedicated hosting to GerritForge Ltd, which is the company behind GerritHub.io.

Please fill up the GerritForge feedback form and one Sales Representative will come back to you with the possible options and costs associated.

If you fully endorse GerritHub.io with Gerrit v3.0 and start using the new UI, the service will continue to be FREE for public and private repositories, organizations of all types and size. You can optionally purchase Enterprise Support from one of our plans if you require extra help in using and configuring your Gerrit projects with your tools and organization.

Enjoy the future of Gerrit v3.0 with GerritHub.io and GerritForge.

Luca Milanesio, GerritForge Ltd.
Gerrit Code Review Maintainer and Release Manager
Member of the Engineering Steering Committee

GitEnt-scm.com Farewell

An open letter to all GitEnt-Scm.com users

it has been a fantastic journey to launch and see the GitEnterprise service growing over the past five years.
We announced the availability in 2011 of a new Enterprise-grade service ahead of other major competitors such as CollabNet or Atlassian. We were the only real Enterprise-Ready Git service much more advanced than GitHub and well before the birth of GitHub:Enterprise.

Since then, over 5000 people used and loved our service and enjoyed a fully FREE and compelling Git server, powered by Gerrit Code Review, the major OpenSource platform code for Code Review on Git.
We are grateful for your trust and confidence in us.

From premium service to commodity

Times have changed, what was considered a premium had become a commodity and services like BitBucket started to erode our take up in the past three years. We moved on to a different and more compelling level of services, jumping again on the edge of innovation and moving into Code Review and its integration with the Continuous Delivery pipeline. We launched in 2013 a brand-new service called GerritHub.io which is now the reference point for major OpenSource and Commercial organisations such as IBM, Cisco System, RedHat and Rackspace.

We continued to maintain both GitEnterprise and GerritHub.io so that you did not have to face any migration or disruption; however the audience of GitEnterprise has become so marginal that we have unfortunately decided to shut down the service within the next 30 calendar days.

The choice: Red or Blue pill?

You have two options, either stay on the cutting edge technology and jump to GerritHub.io or moving to a free commodity service.

Option 1 => migrate to GerritHub.io

Option 2 => moving to another Git provider, such as BitBucket or GitLab.

If you decide to go for Option 1, we invite you to watch the GerritHub.io video on YouTube  and decide whether you would like to start adopting Gerrit Code Review workflow, bearing in mind that it may actually change the way you interact and manage your Git repositories.

Should you need our help in migrating your repositories, we can offer our bolt-on support services at a 10% discounted rate. See www.gerritforge.com/pricing for all the options available and costs involved.

Time is running fast: ACT NOW !

You do need to take a decision before the 30th of April 2016, as after that date the GitEnterprise.com and GitEnt-SCM.com will just redirect to our GerritForge Website and your repositories will not be accessible anymore.

Thank you again for those five fantastic years and for believing in us.
We hope you will decide to continue your journey with us.

Should you have any doubts, please do not hesitate to come back us.

The GerritForge Support Team.

GitMinutes #30: Luca Milanesio on Gerrit Code Review

git-minutesMany thanks to Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen for inviting me to talk about Gerrit Code Review at GitMinutes.

It has been a very interesting discussion on the benefits of Code Review and how Gerrit can help out small and large companies embracing it.

The interview is available on-line at http://episodes.gitminutes.com/2014/07/gitminutes-30-luca-milanesio-on-gerrit.html, alternatively you can download and listen the 1h 27′ conversation on PodCast at https://itunes.apple.com/de/podcast/gitminutes-podcasts/id637843725?l=en.

Use the force Luca!

We started (of course!) talking about the [in]famous force push of 186 Jenkins repositories to GitHub, I was on the Top-10 HackersNews over 7h … so I was expecting the question to pop-up during the interview 🙂

My friend Alex Blewitt took the opportunity as well to forge a Star-Wars like headline for his InfoQ article on what happened.

Git adoption in the Enterprise, where all began

We moved the discussion to the foundation of my business on Git and Code Review and the reasons and challenges that an Enterprise company is facing when moving to Git. We went through the history on how LMIT started GitEnterprise.com and then focused on Gerrit Code Review based product and services for large Enterprises World-Wide: a niche and successful business nowadays.

GitHub or Gerrit? or both with GerritHub?

As I expected, we ended up comparing GitHub and Gerrit analysing the similarities and differences between the two. This topic has been presented as well in two conferences at Gerrit User Summit @GooglePlex – Mountain View CA and 33rd Degree.org Java Developers Conference in Krakow; slides are available at http://www.slideshare.net/lucamilanesio/gerrit-codereviewgit-hubplugin.

Gerrit has historically been considered as “more difficult” than GitHub: true in the past but not anymore today apart from the Web User-Experience CSS styling, much nicer and pleasent on GitHub. The availability of http://gerrithub.io allowed over 1,800 developers since October 2013 to get started with Gerrit in less than 5 minutes by watching an Gerrit Introductionary YouTube video: using it was then just 3 clicks away, no installation or configuration needed! The availability of an easy and accessible Public Cloud instance represents a big improvement in accessibility and usability of Gerrit.

For which teams is Gerrit the right choice?

We talked about the “typical learning curve” of people coming from previous version control systems, such as Subversion. Does it make sense to get started with Git and Gerrit at the same time? When is Gerrit needed and when is it going to provide most of its value?

I’ve covered the topic in the past webinars and talks: hands-on Webinars recordings are freely available on-line at:

The size of the project (in terms of number of people x number of repositories) is typically one of the key factors in Code Review adoption. Gerrit however can be used as well as a standalone OpenSource Git Server , even without leveraging its Code Review capabilities: this makes the choice of Gerrit a good first step towards a smoother Git adoption.

What are Gerrit Topics about?

We went through a very interesting discussion about “Gerrit Topic”, a feature that is not new to Gerrit but is sometimes forgotten besides its important and relevance for medium-large teams.

With the forthcoming support of multi-repositories atomic commits in Gerrit, it will be possible to merge multiple changes on multiple repositories at the same time for a single topic. This feature is not ready yet but coming hopefully in the near future and Google Gerrit Team developers and contributors are working on it.

The ability to make an atomic commit across multiple repositories will allow to have a more consistent Jenkins build process as well, with less broken builds because of interdependent changes on multiple components.

Who is using Gerrit today?

We talked about the adoption of Gerrit in the community, which is growing year after year. A lot of medium companies adopted Gerrit in the past, including Spotify side-by-side with GitHub.

The ability to “submit a change” to any project without the risk to break the build is definitely an incentive to encourage even more people to contribute to share the knowledge and improve the code base, without the risk of breaking anything or  forking the code. This is one of the reason that drove large OpenSource organisations such as the Eclipse Foundation and OpenStack to the adoption Gerrit Code Review in their tools platform.

How to embrace Code Review in a Team or Company?

We went through an interesting comparison / discussion of Agile Methodology vs. Code Review. Often Teams misunderstand and confuse the concept of “review” with “pair-programming”: the problem was well analysed in my book “Learning Gerrit Code Review” (available on Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Gerrit-Code-Review-Milanesio/dp/1783289473). I defined the pair-programming as a dot in a time/people space: two developers writing a piece of code at the same time. This however does not exclude all the other points in the time/people space where multiple people at different times will read the code and provide their feedback: pair-programming is then a “specific example” of the “code review space”.

Because of the different perspectives (pair-programming is a dot whilst code-review is a “cloud of dots” in time/people space) they are not one exclusive of the other: they are equally important and both enable effective collective code ownership and knowledge sharing.

References and greetings.

It has been a very long but interesting discussion with Thomas and hope you’ll enjoy it.

See below the links of the resources we mentioned during the interview:

Thanks again to Thomas for his fantastic initiative: GitMinutes PodCast!

Luca Milanesio 

-2 days to the Gerrit User Summit 2014

The Gerrit User Summit 2014 is about to start in only 2 days: it is going to be a two days of exciting news and innovations on the world of Code Review. There are names from the largest industries in the world that have adopted the Code Review workflow in large enterprise environments: Google, SAP, SonyMobile, Ericsson, IBM, Garmin, HP, CollabNet, GerritForge, Codenvy, Eclipse Foundation and LibreOffice.

During all this week there is a special promotional discount on the Learning Gerrit Code Review book. Additionally, for the attendees of the conference, there will be a limited number of signed paperback copies available at the session “Gerrit or GitHub? Take both !”

Learning-Gerrit-Code-Review-QRCodeIn order to redeem the book promotion, scan the QR code and enter one of the following PROMO-CODEs:




The Gerrit User Summit Agenda has been published yesterday and has a lot of very interesting talks and announcements:

Day 1 – Friday 21st of March

  • What’s new in Gerrit 2.8 (David Pursehouse – Gerrit maintainer – SonyMobile)
  • Scaling Gerrit at Ericsson (Patrick Renaud, Vladimir Cantiru, Hugo Ares – Ericsson)
  • Monitoring Gerrit (Doug Kelly – Garmin)
  • Browsing Repository Content with Gerrit’s REST API (Simon Kaegi – IBM)
  • Gerrit@LibreOffice (David Ostrovsky – LibreOffice)
  • Gerrit plugins made easy with Scripting (Luca Milanesio – GerritForge)
  • The Angular revolution in Gerrit! (Dariusz Luksza – CollabNet)

The day 1 would end with a very interesting Q&A with the Gerrit User Community about the features they would like to see coming up in the next forthcoming releases!

Day 2 – Saturday 22nd of March

  • 2014 Roadmap (Shawn Pearce – Gerrit project founder, Google)
  • Gerrit@SAP (Edwin Kempin – Gerrit Code Review maintainer – SAP)
  • Integrating CLA and Origin checks with Gerrit (Denis Roy – Eclipse Foundation)
  • Guiding Diffy to the Enterprise land (Dariusz Luksza, Eryk Szymanski – CollabNet)
  • Collaboration at Scale: The Openstack CI toolbox (Khai Do – HP)
  • Gerrit or GitHub? Take Both! (Luca Milanesio – GerritForge)
  • Diffy gets Enterprise grade (Dariusz Luksza, Eryk Szymanski – CollabNet)
  • Continuous Development with Gerrit (Tyler Jewell & Luca Milanesio – Codenvy & GerritForge)

The day 2 will end with a meet-up with food and drinks sponsored and organised by Codenvy where the Gerrit Community can discuss and exchange their post-Summit impressions and ideas on the future of Code Review.

It is going to be again a huge leap forward for the Code Review community and the Git and Gerrit projects improvement !

Continuous Development with GerritForge and Codenvy

On March 22nd, come see Codenvy CEO Tyler Jewell and Gerritforge CEO Luca Milanesio present at Google’s HQ in Mountain View, CA. They’ll cover Codenvy’s continuous delivery system for integrating code reviews, git, and SAAS developer environments in order to eliminate waste in the development workflow.


Read the full story at Codenvy Blog
[by Eric Cavazos]

More capacity and performance for GerritHub.io

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully completed a new major hardware upgrade to the GerritHub.io platform.

What has been upgraded on GerritHub.io ?

There is a brand new production cluster which provides:

  • More memory (up to 32 GBytes per node)
  • More disk-space (up to 2TBytes per node)
  • More concurrency (up to 8 CPUs per node)

The new cluster is geolocated in Germany / Bayern and provides a much better and stable bandwith.

Do I need to change anything on my client ?

GerritHub.io is accessible from the old and the new IP addresses:

  • old IP address:
  • new IP address:

The GerritHub DNS is currently propagating the new IP to gerrithub.io and review.gerrithub.io hostnames: during the propagaton time (max 24h) both IPs will provide the same access to the Germany based production cluster.

What about my Git/SSH access ?

When using Git over SSH, the remote host SSH key is exchanged and associated to the resolved remote IP into ~/.ssh/known_hosts file in your local machine. This means that you have currently associated the GerritHub.io SSH public key to the (old IP address).

When the DNS propagation will be completed, you will see a warning from your SSH client asking to verify that the new IP address is OK. In some cases you may be asked to verify and re-accept the SSH public key.

Example of the warning you would probably see on your Git client over SSH:

Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '[]:29418' to the list of known hosts.

Double-check that the IP address shown corresponds to the new GerritHub.io cluster ( This warning will be displayed only once and then the new IP will be stored in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.

GerritHub: code review for GitHub private repositories – early access

Support for GitHub private repositories is making substantial progress: we are proud to announce that the first milestone has been completed and is available for early access.

By using GerritHub on top of your existing GitHub private repositories, you can now define a safer set of commit policies and prevent Git forced pushes on a per-branch basis.

What is exactly GerritHub private repository support ?

With GitHub you can share code with other people and collaborate with the community of developers using public Git repositories on the Web. Your code is public by default and readable by anyone on the Web. This is the most typical case of using GitHub for the development of OpenSource projects.

However sometimes you want to restrict the access to your repository to a limited set of people or teams. Your code is not accessible to anonymous users but only the people you have selected from your GitHub Team security panel. This is typically the scenario of using GitHub for a private business or organisation.

How can GerritHub support private GitHub repositories ?

GerritHub is a public instance of Gerrit Code Review, which provides highly customisable  sofisticated security. Whilst right now all GerritHub projects have shared a common public polity for all projects, you can customise your Gerrit project security and further restrict or extends the default permissions.

What are the benefits of GerritHub on private GitHub repositories ?

By using Gerrit Code Review on top of GitHub private repositories you can improve the security, collaboration and visibility of changes in your development team:

  • Provide a common dashboard with all pending changes on a per-project basis
  • Define validation rules for code to be merged, based on quality, scoring and build validation results
  • Notify people on what is happening on the project’s code
  • Define fine-grained permissions on a per-branch basis
  • Limit collateral damage by blocking accidental force-push on release branches

How can I get early access to GerritHub for private repositories ?

GerritHub for private repositories is FREE for the initial 30 days of early access: it would then be charged at 25% of your GitHub private subscription fee. This means that starting from the 3rd of April 2014 if you are paying  $48/year on your GitHub personal plan, the GerritHub would cost only $12/year.

In order to switch to GerritHub private plan, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Clear your browser cookies and cache
  2. Login to GerritHub.io using this url:
  3. Accept the GitHub modify authorisation screen: you will be requested to grant full access to your GitHub personal profile and public/private repositories
  4. Confirm your GitHub password

How can I import my private GitHub repositories ?

Once you logged in with a private scope in GerritHub, the full list of organisations and repositories are available on your import screen.

You can access the GitHub import screen by choosing the “GitHub” top-menu and “Repositories” entry,
or visit the URL https://review.gerrithub.io/plugins/github-plugin/static/repositories.html

How can I customise my private repository security on GerritHub ?

You are free to use Gerrit Code Review security configuration screen on your imported private repositories, using the “Projects” top-menu, inserting your project name on the search box and select your project. The security configuration is available on the “Access” menu. Alternatively you can access the screen directly using the URL https://review.gerrithub.io/#/admin/projects/organisation/repository,access, where organisation is your username or organisation and repository is your GitHub repository name.

Where can I find more information Gerrit Code Review security and review rules ?

Gerrit Code Review on-line documentation at https://review.gerrithub.io/Documentation/access-control.html provides a very detailed set of information useful for customising your projects security.

Alternatively if you would like a more gradual and descriptive step-by-step guide, the “Learning Gerrit Code Review” book at http://gerrithub.io/book available on Amazon provides an easy and accessible introduction to code review and security.

This is cool, but how can I provide feedback ?

GerritHub is nothing more than Gerrit Code Review plus a collection of selected plugins, including the GitHub integration plugin (see http://www.packtpub.com/article/using-gerrit-with-github). You are welcome to subscribe to the Gerrit mailing list at https://groups.google.com/d/forum/repo-discuss‎ and to the GitEnterprise blog at http://gitenterprise.me.

Comments, suggestions and hints are more than welcome !

What about Enterprise Support with guaranteed SLA on problems and incidents ?

GerritForge Enterprise Support on Gerrit Code Review covers the GerritHub cloud usage on private repositories as well. If you need guaranteed SLA you choose from one of the currently available support plans at http://gerritforge.com/support.


Gerrit User Summit 2014 talks proposals

The list of talks proposed for the next forthcoming Gerrit User Summit in Mountain View has been published.

There are very interesting talks on ideas, extensions and case studies from large enterprises and projects: it is going to again an exciting rendez-vous for all of those interested in SCM, SDLC and Continuous Agile.

See below a distilled summary of the proposed topics:

  • Using Gerrit and Jenkins together for the LibreOffice OpenSource Project
  • How to manage and monitor Gerrit using JavaMelody
  • Extend the GitHub fork & pull-request model using Gerrit Code Review lifecycle and GerritHub.io
  • Extending Gerrit with scripting plugins (Groovy, Jython and Scala)
  • Continuous Development and Code Review with Codenvy
  • Large scale Gerrit installations with testimonials from OpenStack, Yahoo and Ericsson !
  • Integrating and using Gerrit in the Enterprise with CollabNet TeamForge
  • … and new talks are coming over !

Seats are running out quickly but there are still spaces available: you can register now for free to the Gerrit User Summit event:

See you soon at the Gerrit User Summit 2014 !

Gerrit User Conference / Summit – 21-22 Mar 2014

Yesterday Shawn Pearce, Gerrit Code Review project founder, has announced the 4th Gerrit User Conference [+ 7th Hackathon] and Summit at GooglePlex in Mountain View – CA.

The interest in Gerrit Code Review is growing, possibly because of the increase of the Git adoption in the OpenSource and Enterprise and consequently the need of a set of best-practices on how to effectively manage a Git workflow when teams are growing: we do expect many new attendees this year !

Key information for the conference

Dates: Friday and Saturday March 21st-22nd, 2014

Location: GooglePlex – Mountain View, CA

Registration: Pre-registration is requiredspace is limited and registration is first-come, first serve. You can register NOW using the Application Form

Have something to share and present in a talk ?

Talks are open and you can submit your proposal using the Talk Proposal Form. We are expecting again the Gerrit plugins, scalability and the new UX to play an important role in the conference. Share your experience and how you managed to integrate the Code Review process in your Team !

Hope to see many of you at the Conference in March 2014.